Action FMS Terminology Explained
Action FMS
The fiscal agent that helps you manage employer-related financial and other responsibilities pertaining to your self-directed services. Action FMS is not the employer.
Documentation outlining authorized services, their respective codes, and the quantities (units, hours, or dollars) allocated for delivering goods and services as part of the Care Plan.
Service Intake Person
Person assigned by the program to work with you and facilitate details of your self-directed program (a ‘Service Intake Person’ may be known by other titles, depending on program terminology).
Direct care Employees are the people who work for you and provides services to the participant.
Person who hires and supervises staff to provide services to the participant. The employer may also be the participant. For example, this may be you.
Fiscal Agent
(Action FMS) provides payroll processing, tax services, vendor payments, and other administrative functions authorized by the funding program.
Person receiving services authorized by the funding program. The participant may also be the employer.
Payment/Payroll Services
Employee-related payments and processing.
Vendor Services
Vendor-related payments and processing.
Plan of "Action" (Care)
Plan you create with your Service Intake Person/support coordinator to determine the participant’s goals and how to meet them, based on the participant’s preferences, choices, and abilities. It empowers the participant in directing their services. It includes the number, type, and duration of approved goods and services.